
So happy for George getting P3! Lando in P2, it was a good race. 


Guys I just got a seriously stupid idea and I don’t know if I should write it or not, lemme know what you guys think cause dis one a little far fetched TT. What if I wrote a book about the different formula one teams and instead of racing cars, they are competing to get the most sales at the fast food restaurants they work at. TT yall probably think I’m off my rocker with this one.


Pato was so fricking close to winning the Indy500. Last lap Josef Newgarden passed him. If you watch Pato's interview he was so devastated and I think he was actually crying. I felt so bad for him I actually shut it off just as Newgarden passed the finish line because I couldn't bear to watch Pato's post-race interview. Hoping he will win next year. on the bright side in Formula One, Indycar, and Formula E McLaren drivers got P2! a great day for McLaren I guess.


Someone help decide for me because I can’t. Which of these should I write a fanfic about?
          Pato O’Ward
          George Russell
          Oscar Piastri


@LeahF3518v1D OMG yes! I’d love to write one about Oscar as well. Thanks for the suggestion! Once I’m done with George’s story, I’ll start working on Oscar’s.


@ya_girl_drixta Can you do one about Oscar once you're done with George's?


Okay I know I said before Wednesday but my schedule has been super packed lately, I’m sorry I couldn’t update it in time. I should hopefully get it posted tomorrow or tonight. Again very sorry for not updating


@ya_girl_drixta  i got google chat i think my name on it is arron