
Hello !! - I am just letting you all know I am moving the chapters of 'Devils Plan - Devil Incarnate 2' into the first devil incarnate, so its easier to just read the whole story at once !!! thank you !


Hello !! - I am so sorry for the lack of updates, I have been so sick these few weeks, but I will get back to writing ASAP ! thank you !


@xoxo_AshleighBee I am glad you are feeling better!! Just dont push yourself <3


Hello !! - What I first thought was just a regular cold has turned out to be a bit worse so I am so very sorry I haven't updated in so long !! I am extremely ill and even when I'm ill I always attempt to write, so I apologise once more !! I will be updating as much as possible asap !! thank you !!


@xoxo_AshleighBee  please rest author, eat healthy and please take a break and just rest, I hope you get well soon :>❤️ 


Hello !! - 200 followers and 100k reads on devil Incarnate is something I didn't expect at all, but thank you so much !! The support has been immense and overwhelming (even though I consider Devil Incarnate to be my worst written fanfiction :,) but I digress) thank you all so much !! I am so sorry I couldn't really update today, I am severely ill at the moment but I will update asap !! Thank you all again !! <333


@xoxo_AshleighBee please take your time author, we're not going anywhere, and congrats by the way❤️