Hi, my name...well just call me Missy. My profile name is "sleepy girl" because my IDA is CONSTANTLY making me sleepy, so people call me "sleepy girl". I enjoy horror stories, and that kind of freaks people out. They're always like, "You seem like such a sweet little girl, but deep down you're freaking scary!" So...yeah. I work for a small company, family owned. I also babysit, work at a seaturtle center in Georgia as a "vacation", and I do yard work. 

I have two little brothers, who aren't so little, and we enjoy cosplaying as the Striaton Trio from Pokemon, and other trios from anime. We are such nerds. XD I like shooting games, and a PSP game called 'Corpse Party; Blood Covered', along with Pokemon games. ;P

My other brother, who is the triplet of the other two, was taken to a children's home for the mentally disabled when I was four years old. I have vague memories of when my brother lived with us, but I do remember him leaving. We still see him every other year or so, you have to be eighteen to enter the building now. :p

I am anorexic, and have been for a while. I've stopped cutting because my blood doesn't clot like it should, so I (literally) end up a bloody mess. I'm not shy so feel free to leave me a line, but I will warn you I have a tendency to snap...sorry. ^_^;

I'm a single chick, working on getting better, and I have two best friends in the whole world. Well one I wanna hit one principle sometimes...but that's friends for you! Alright, well ta-ta for now!

( ^ ^)
((")(") <--- I just love this!
  • Wonderland...
  • JoinedJune 12, 2012


Last Message
xXSleepyGirlXx xXSleepyGirlXx Jul 10, 2012 04:42AM
@ChickZoeZoe I'm gonna set you up with my fist. Right or left foot right up your butt, your decision! XD
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