
Hello guys! My gosh, it's been awhile. I'm proud to announce that I have successfully graduated highschool! Now that I have more free time, I have more time for writing fanfictions. I have at least 6 in the making/planning. For those wondering why I don't upload a lot, is because I like to finish my fanfics before uploading them to Wattpad. I personally find it a lot easier, that way it's all out of the road and you can just upload whenever. Anywho, be sure to keep an eye out for new fanfics coming your way! I'm trying my hardest to write in every spare moment I have, but just keep in mind that I'm not a robot, I have a life outside of Wattpad and can't update 24/7. Look out for future fanfics coming very soon though! ^-^ It's nice to be back.


Hello guys! My gosh, it's been awhile. I'm proud to announce that I have successfully graduated highschool! Now that I have more free time, I have more time for writing fanfictions. I have at least 6 in the making/planning. For those wondering why I don't upload a lot, is because I like to finish my fanfics before uploading them to Wattpad. I personally find it a lot easier, that way it's all out of the road and you can just upload whenever. Anywho, be sure to keep an eye out for new fanfics coming your way! I'm trying my hardest to write in every spare moment I have, but just keep in mind that I'm not a robot, I have a life outside of Wattpad and can't update 24/7. Look out for future fanfics coming very soon though! ^-^ It's nice to be back.