
Just another message,
          	I officially have three out of the twelve chapters edited, and I took down the other chapters' previous writings. So even though there are chapters up, there's nothing written in them. I apologize!
          	I should have this story done in about 2-3 weeks. Only because I started my spring semester today and I've been booked with homework already. I wrote out the plot for the remaining chapters, so the hard part is just taking the time to write them lol.


Hey it's me I was wondering if you could give my books areas and please tell your friends I hate to do this but I've been working on these books for a while now and the most reads I have is 40  but I need to know how to make part 2 3 4 5 ect like how do I make it so you have to slide it up for the next chapter don't judge me I'm still new to wattpad and idk how to do these things please help! Hugs and kisses 


Just another message,
          I officially have three out of the twelve chapters edited, and I took down the other chapters' previous writings. So even though there are chapters up, there's nothing written in them. I apologize!
          I should have this story done in about 2-3 weeks. Only because I started my spring semester today and I've been booked with homework already. I wrote out the plot for the remaining chapters, so the hard part is just taking the time to write them lol.


Hey guys!
          So far I only have two out of the fifteen chapters in "The Boy in the Crystal Ball" fully edited. I'd appreciate it if you didn't look at it for the next few days. After I completely edited ALL THIRTY-ONE chapters of "His Angelic Love" it took me roughly two days, and I was beat.
          I go back to school tomorrow, and my next full semester starts this week. So I might be a little behind on my editing schedule this week. I'm going to try to get almost half of the chapters finished by tomorrow night. Fingers crossed!


Hey guys!
          Long time no chat, huh? I just want to give a big "THANK YOU!" to all my new fans I've gained in the past six months, I'm sorry I didn't post this sooner! I've been super busy at my first year in college, hence why I've neglected to post any new stories up here. But have no fear, I'm already working on two of them. I have about fifteen chapters done of my first novella, and I have an idea about my second love story :)
          I'm sending you this just as a warning, to those of you reading His Angelic Love it is currently "under construction" and I'd appreciate it if you could just wait until tomorrow to continue reading it. There WON'T be any changes to the plot, as far as I know. I've only edited the first two chapters for grammatical and cliché -type things. I might delete some chapters, only to combine the things in those chapters with others. For example, I just edited the second chapter and it's probably only a page now and held no important information. I might delete it but post that dialogue and such in the third chapter. 
          Stuck With The Arrogant Jerk: The Boy in the Crystal Ball (I'm going to change the title) is under HEAVY CONTRUCTION. I'm going to fix up the beginning and change the plot slightly, we'll see.
          Thank you all for sticking with me!
          Love, Cait.


HELLO, HELLO. I AM STILL ALIVE AND WRITING. I've been neglecting you guys with my updates, I know. 
          BUT, I made a promise to myself that I needed to finish these stories before college in September, and finish writing my new one (I'm already on chapter seven out of like fifteen, it'll be a short story)
          I'll be uploading tomorrow, pinky promise!