
Hi lovely people!   Hope you all doing fine.  Also thank you for liking my story, Ginger.
          	I'm going to post chapter 19 again since mostly of the readers wrote me and said I haven't post it. Maybe it's a problem with my wattpad account. 


I’m done it’s not worth to get 2 updates  maybe once a year I’m unfollowing and I suggest everyone unfollow this account there’s no hope the Author can’t even take 2 mins out of her time to let us loyal readers to know what’s going on but on TikTok she promotes her book for everyone to read it, but she doesn’t even update the book. Why promote it when you don’t update it.


I'm not too sure if releasing 2 chapters a year is fine? Is it just me but i feel like as a reader I used to continuously come here to check for an update of the book but now I've gotten so disappointed that I don't even wanna check for updates because I feel as if the author cannot respect their readers and let them know what is going on. I would completely understand if the author had something going on in their life that hinders the progress of the book but as someone who has been actively been waiting for an update knowing nothing about the authors reason on not to update simply feels ridiculing. Especially when they post actively on tiktok. Anyways I love the way you write, and I'm sad to remove this book from my reading list but hopefully you realize before you lose too many readers since it would be a shame to let go of so much love and support.


@Sierrauser740  but she is not abligated to write and update you guys about anything thing..... do you pay her? Do you buy her books?


@Sierrauser740 that's not true, true to be told I follow her since the beginning and she hasn't posted in a while, like months ago. She said she will ne for sometime off social media because of some personal issues 


@marykooie she posts actively on tiktok and she tbh I wouldn't mind if she just updated us saying she was going through something that prevents her feom writing but this feels like mockery. I also said this in the most polite way possible to avoid hurting her feelings but as a reader I am allowed to feel disappointed that the author cannot provide anything.


Hi lovely people!   Hope you all doing fine.  Also thank you for liking my story, Ginger.
          I'm going to post chapter 19 again since mostly of the readers wrote me and said I haven't post it. Maybe it's a problem with my wattpad account.