
Just uploaded lots of new poems... I dedicate them all to my BFF, Becky who has helped me through all the bad and good times, I love you Beula;)


If u wish, hv a look at my story. It needs 2 votes. And  to help give them to LEARNING TO LOVE A ROGUE under Most Popular Teen Fiction and Best Hero categories plz Go to WATTY written on the black bar (where Upload is also written). I'll appreciate it Alot. 8)


HELLO :) ok so i know these are annoying as hell to some people but please read "I refuse to be part of another stupid emo jerk love story...and yet...." by moi of course! The title is pretty obvious but here's a short summary....
          Dinner by candlelight? Moonlite walks on the beach? Please! Roxi Tallon would never be caught dead falling head over heels for someone. Falling in love is for preps, something Roxi will never be. Emo to the core, the only person she hangs with is her best friend Max. But when Roxi gains a hot emo enemy, sparks will fly and nobody will be able to tell the good sparks from the bad ones. Lines will be crossed, patience will be tested, and relationships will be strained to their breaking point. It all leads up to one question... Can Roxi refuse her own love story?....
          :) Sorry if you dont like the summary I'm not very good at them but I hope you will check it out! Dont forget to comment, vote, and become a fan! Thanks