
Hey there!! You all are probably so mad at me, and trust me, I'm mad at myself too. I just can't write. Not because I don't have time, or I'm busy. I guess this is what they call writer's block. I just don't have control over it. The saddest part is I don't know when this will end. I have no idea when the next update will come. I'm so sorry I put you through this. I assure I've put myself through a lot more. I suffer too when I can't write. If you still stick around, I love you but if you can't stick around, I love you too. I understand. Thank you for coming so far. 


@whyyoucarebitch hey author i have been reading the stuck series and i would really appreciate if you would be able to complete it....i really love it❤️❤️


@whyyoucarebitch so sad to hear you have not been able to write but at least I can see you are fine. Hope 2024 brings you the inspiration you need. Really miss your updates. 


We are there with you dear friend.
          	  We will wait, don't worry.
          	  Take your time.