
Hello guys my book will be on hold for few days more. Kindly consider i don't have the creative energy for writing this story right now .
          	In other news I'm reading and will like to drop some recommendations
          	Here's my current reads


hi beautiful person! i hope you're having a very good day! i don't mean to be a bother, by NO means. i was just wondering if you're currently interested in something new to read? cause if so, i've just COMPLETED my first ever (free)novel, "freefall" and i'm literally so excited hehe so it'd mean THE WORLD to me if you could check it out and see if you fancy reading it. it's a sweet little Young Adult Romance, with a tinge of humor.
          if not interested, then feel free to ignore! i mean no disrespect at all! thanks a lot :)
          btw my pm is always open if you need a friend or just feel like chatting :)