
I'm taking Requests for both my Maze Runner and Game of Thrones one shot/imagine books... so please, send them my way :)


Not trying to be rude but when will you update the books


I hope you stay safe


@StrangerBeebotee as soon as I can! I still work during this time so I've been a bit busy, plus I've had loads of requests to try and keep up with... I'm gonna try and get a few done today though :)


Hey, everyone! I would like to inform you all that I will, hopefully update ALL of my stories by the end of this week; so I hope you'll enjoy them!
          Also, I have added a new story to my collection. It's called "We Keep This Love in a Photograph" and it's a Harry Potter based story; so I would really love it if you guys could read it and tell me what you think. 
          I love you all, thanks!