
with wattpad getting rid of pms, here are some platforms you can get in contact with me on;
          	wanderingmaximoffs_wp (instagram)
          	accio_morebooks (instagram)
          	wanderingmaximoffs (tumblr)
          	i know i'm not too active these days, but i'd be happy to keep in contact with you guys and there's alot of people here i really miss talking to <3
          	in other news i've rewritten the published chapters for my merlin book (i'll be uploading the rewrites soon) and have written an additional 4 chapters that will be uploaded soon too! 
          	love and miss you guys 


with wattpad getting rid of pms, here are some platforms you can get in contact with me on;
          wanderingmaximoffs_wp (instagram)
          accio_morebooks (instagram)
          wanderingmaximoffs (tumblr)
          i know i'm not too active these days, but i'd be happy to keep in contact with you guys and there's alot of people here i really miss talking to <3
          in other news i've rewritten the published chapters for my merlin book (i'll be uploading the rewrites soon) and have written an additional 4 chapters that will be uploaded soon too! 
          love and miss you guys 


this message may be offensive
I've actually written something for once and finally have a chapter ready to upload and wattpad won't let me format shit??? everytime i add a gif and then try to space it out it comes up with thst little box that says obj. im confused i haven't been here properly in timeeeee. is this a common thing now?


@wanderingmaximoffs can’t say i’ve had that issue; if you’re using mobile, try desktop / or vice-versa; i find mobile is far more buggy


i wanna get back into writing but idk how :'(


Idk if that helps, but if you daydream a lot about your fics or whatever you want to write, I only write down the dialogue I imagine in my head and then later it’s easier to build around it. <3


@wanderingmaximoffs easy, get a crush on a fictional character - but I suppose that only works for fanfic


hey everyone, i'm so sorry i haven't been active, having been posting etc. i've had no motivation, no commitment and my a-levels which had taken all of my attention. those are done with now and whilst i wait to see if i get into uni, i have a job which is also taking up alot of time </3
          the point is, thankyou for sticking around and following me and hopefully i'll have some updates in the next few months that'll inspire me to keep writing again.
          thankyou guys <3