
Merry Christmas, guys! 
          	Enjoy your time with your lovely people~ :)


Guys, Vixx arrived my country last night to film a program. I wanna cry since it was unexpected and they aren't around my location. We are near each other yet far away.
          Those who met them, said they are cool in person and Ken or Leo did smile to them TT-TT
          Wish me to meet Vixx..


@vixxchuu yeah. I heard too. TT 


@Emma_LR yeah, thx u so much for the wish<3 and u should not since I haven't met them yet :D


@nurulhnny thx lots for ur wish, dear~ <3


Hello, guys! So how's everything? I hope you're doing well :)
          To start off, I apologize for my sudden absence. I'm currently at the point of life where I have to let things go and move on. Like, you have to grow up and live, sth like that.
          I think two years with writing is enough for me. And  I'm grateful with everything I've encountered in here. Especially, all of you guys❤ Thank you for the great support, care and encouragement. Those who have stuck to me through thick and thin. Those who have stopped by to say hello. Those who talked to me when I was at my worst. Those whose comments and likes brighten up my days. Those who leave something funny and nice on my stories, wall and message. Those who give feedbacks for me to improve. And to anyone who has stumbled into this account and checked out my so-called works. Thank you guys a lot. 
          Importantly, for letting me accomplished one of my dream lists. 
          Writing is something I adore after drawing and reading. So thank for being my readers. I hope you can cross out your dream lists too ;) but don't recess that long, please go on.
          Anw, I'll leave this account available. Whether it's alive or not, I'm not sure. If you'd love to, I'll post some of the discontinued stories. 
          Okay, it's time now. Take care, love~
          I'm glad to have you guys as parts of my journey ^^


@vixxchuu Take care too,good luck and fighting for what you want to do 