
Oh hello little dove


@heheaIs ) 
            * he listened carefully to the nurses story ,  his eyebrows furrowing as his chest tightened with sympathy *  that’s. . .  not nice .  you didn’t deserve that .  you still don’t deserve it. . .  


@tubesandtubes                     Hm.. * he murmured softly to himself , of course he had read up a bit on the others condition from his file, but to see the young man he couldn’t help but open his mouth and let the story fall out * I.. I have a little sister, her name is Yuma.. she was sick, just like you.. I wasn’t allowed to treat her, my father never liked me around her, said I was a bad influence and what was making her sick, you know, once he found out I was seeing her , I was cut off from my family as a whole. I haven’t spoken to my family in twelve years . 


@heheaIs )
            oh .  * he clicked his tongue ,  the beeping from his monitors almost distracting him from what the other was saying *  . . .um ,  sometimes .  i play chess and monopoly with my father ,  but he doesn’t come here often . 


hey there wyatt!   have a nice night?   sorry for not checking up on you like usual.


@tubesandtubes      *
            most people are looking at it as a completion but it’s how well you are with your patients.   people are taking it very seriously.   *   he answered before putting on his thinking face.   *   i’ll have to see who was working night shift.   my roommates were home so it couldn’t have been them.


@medresident )
            competition ?  * confusion was clear in his expression and his voice ,  but he shook it off to answer the question *  i. . .  i dunno .  he left before i could look at him for a while .  i don’t think he told me his name before he got angry and walked out. . .


@tubesandtubes      *
            can’t blame them.   there is a competition going on involving the residents.   everyone wants to me on top to work on the diagnostics team.   *   he sighed a bit about the mention of jackie,   remembering her little encounter with him but forcing himself to bring his attention back to wyatt.   *   who was your doctor last night?   do you remember?