
Hello everyone! I’m so sorry about not updating any of my stories in a while. I’m not dead, I swear. I’ve just been going through some stuff rn and I haven’t gotten to writing anything. I’m going camping tomorrow and I’ll try to post something when I get back. Thanks for your patience 


Hey uhm quick question are you dead??


@L0VE_PE0PLE_L0VE No  ahhhh I know I keep saying I won’t disappear but it just keeps happening. I’ll try to get more updates out soon


I'd like to speak to you as the artist of one of the drawings you used in your fanfic for deku x raven. You used my art without permission and did not credit me for my work. If it is not changed or if you do not discuss this with me, I'll have to take action  on this with the website. Please respond soon


Hello! I was just checking in to make sure you were okay, luv your stories bestie 


I’m okay and thank you so much! I know I’ve said this like ten billion times but I’ll update soon. School started and I’ve had so much work. I’ve gotten like 6 essay 15 quizzes and 4 tests and it’s not even two months in yet


Ayo' you sure you aint' dead?


Yeah I’m alive. Sorry about not posting anything for so long. I’ve had zero motivation, I’ve been dealing with some other stuff, and I was taking a summer musical theater camp. But I’ll try to update soon, even tho I said that a while ago 