
So I was tagged by my friend @thepurplerose (thanks) to do the ten ships challenge, so here we go: 
          	1) Dramione - Harry Potter (fight me, I have a 3-page Word document ready)
          	2) Warnette - Shatter Me
          	3) Doraelin - Throne of Glass
          	4) Rowaelin - Throne of Glass (these last two switch places every single day)
          	5) Wessa - The Infernal Devices
          	6) Sizzy - The Mortal Instruments
          	7) Zammie - Gallagher Girls
          	8) Celia&Marco - The Night Circus
          	9) Darklina - The Grisha (still not over Ruin&Rising)
          	10) Hinny - Harry Potter
          	(and number 11 would be Romarogers, from Marvel, but you know - there's only 10 ships alowed here and I shouldn't have said this, but Sheila might have throttled me, hadn't I said it)
          	I tag: @Damn-the-good @FabulousDoll @banana-nana @DarkRavenReader and @vero311


So I was tagged by my friend @thepurplerose (thanks) to do the ten ships challenge, so here we go: 
          1) Dramione - Harry Potter (fight me, I have a 3-page Word document ready)
          2) Warnette - Shatter Me
          3) Doraelin - Throne of Glass
          4) Rowaelin - Throne of Glass (these last two switch places every single day)
          5) Wessa - The Infernal Devices
          6) Sizzy - The Mortal Instruments
          7) Zammie - Gallagher Girls
          8) Celia&Marco - The Night Circus
          9) Darklina - The Grisha (still not over Ruin&Rising)
          10) Hinny - Harry Potter
          (and number 11 would be Romarogers, from Marvel, but you know - there's only 10 ships alowed here and I shouldn't have said this, but Sheila might have throttled me, hadn't I said it)
          I tag: @Damn-the-good @FabulousDoll @banana-nana @DarkRavenReader and @vero311


Thank you for all your votes on KiD! From just a quick glance at your bio, we have so much in common haha.  (Harry potter!!! perks!!!!!! thg!!)


@ruleone No problem! And I loved the last two chapters, they were amazing. Can't wait to read more!
            And yes, Harry Potter and Perks are life! (thg too!)


Can't believe how quickly you've read the story! Thank you so much x 


@beautlies Richard!! His name is Richard.
            Yeah, I don't like Richard.


@beautlies That wasn't even that quick! 
            But I really like it! :D Jack is amazing, and I really like Cal... but I kimd of hate/strongly dislike the guy whose name starts with an R... Anyway, that guy! I don't like him. And I really hope Jack doesn't like him either!! I ship her with Cal, not that guy XD 
            Okay, rant over.
            Like I said, I really like the story! Keep up the good work! :>