
screeches i changed my username :0
          	it was formerly @flashwing, so if you don't recognize me...
          	i used to be flashwing B^)


I spy a Steven Universe fandom on your About section...I've only watched half an episode but I'm wondering, do you also watch Gravity Falls? The two seem to come hand in hand a lot of the time. Gravity Falls is my newest fandom/obsession, as seen on my laptop decal and the flooding on my Pinterest board with GF pins :P


try, although you gotta be careful around the ads


@BrightnessWings19 I do indeed watch Gravity Falls :D I haven't seen many episodes, though, cause it's not on Netflix and I unfortunately don't have cable :/


Is it your birthday? Is it is it? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! If not for today then for when it is haha XD  


@JLPawley @Flashwing wait it's your birthday?! Happy birthday!!


@JLPawley  Yes, it is! Thank you! :D :D


Hey there! Thanks for following me! :D


@RickyPine Maybe...I'm a fast reader, though. And I'm currently on chapter 29 of TTL :)


@Flashwing Dean is cooler than I am, though... :) But yeah, finishing Generation Icarus - that could take a while, yes?


@RickyPine Thanks for saying thanks! You seem a pretty cool person, you even mentioned Dean Winchester! I plan to start reading your works, as soon as I finish Generation Icarus, that is :D


*lights dim* 
          *dramatic voice* it all started with Maximum Ride...
             ...and then when I was eleven/in sixth grade (best year of my life) I became an all-powerful winged mermaid Hogwarts student etc etc etc and wrote stories involving me with that alter ego and my friends, and turned a weekly homework assignment into a trilogy about winged kids (I called it the Pack instead of the Flock because not all of them were), and then came the spells period (but while I believe in magic I don't see wings in that category...I'm all about writing sci fi so my winged characters are almost always the result of genetic manipulation), and in all of this I found Wattpad and started writing various winged stories, and then came the shocking revelation:
          Maximum Ride is the horribly written product of laziness and the "oh, they won't notice" syndrome.
          So now I have a love-hate relationship with the series - it started all of this, but James P horribly underestimates his YA target audience and I'm pretty sure is only in it for the money.
          Anyway, so I thought to myself, "self, I can do better than Maximum Ride," and so began Osprey, my completed novel, which is quite an awful first draft but seems to have a good fan base, and it's now A Splash of Color, the in-progress second draft.
          But I haven't really answered the question.
             My wings really appeared when in the height of my lucid dreaming (six months ago) I resolved to train myself to always have wings in a dream. Therefore, in waking life, I would start feeling them and imagining them and moving them around, so I get used to the feeling of having two extra limbs, and then it would bleed into my dreams. And it did, for a while. Now whenever I read or write things about bird wings, I can feel them, from any level from my shoulder blades feeling weird to feeling all of them
          So there you go! it was largely inspired by media until it became my own little obsession. You? :)


@BrightnessWings19 Wings is on the FF playlist


Oh, hey! What do they look like? Mine are an appaloosa grey: mostly a solid light grey with dark grey speckles and patterns all can see in that lovely photoshopped profile pic of me that I just greyscaled them (they don't show up on cameras so I take the liberty of putting them there myself...been meaning to put up a better one) which usually works just fine
          Okay, with that lovely thought, I really should be sleeping...


            I knew it! I haven't watched all of FMA, but I also haven't watched enough anime to qualify as a nerd.....maybe (I've only completely watched two, but I've started at least six).
            A lot of my friends that watch Young Justice say that Wally is my alter ego. XD We're both hyperactive, we both eat more than an elephant, we both love cracking jokes to ease the tension, or just to cheer someone up. We both CAN be serious, and we both are clumsy as all get out and impatient. Main differences, though, is -I believe in magic, science is NOT my best subject (math is), and we don't look at all alike. But yeah.
            I actually  look a lot like Artemis, but my hair is shorter and browner.
            Phantasma....I love that. Coutos to your friend! :)
            So, random question (a very common thing from me): What inspired your wings to appear?


@BrightnessWings19 And yes, when my birds preen I watch too closely sometimes XD so I know the feeling


@BrightnessWings19 yep, as in Edward Elric! The yellow plumes at the top of a cockatiel's head reminds me of his two little hairs that stick up! (disclaimer: FMA is pretty much the only manga I've read; I'm not an anime nerd)
              I have parakeets and had the same problem with them hating me for a while...but a vet visit and a few other experiences have taught me that they seek me for comfort when they're nervous, and that the girl, Snowfeather, likes to use my fingers as stress balls. Otherwise, unless I have food, they don't like me near them. I think it's progress, especially since I got them from a home where they were sort of getting neglected. They were being taken care of and all but weren't played with or hand tamed, so they don't really like people (yet!)
               I've seen that t-shirt :D my superhero crush could also be Wally but for a long time it was Kalder'ahm. My friend's is Garth, the other Aqualad, so it works out XD The superhero with my same Myer Briggs personality type is Jericho from Teen Titans and I love him very much, and my superhero identity would be Melvin, also from Teen Titans, the little girl whose imagination comes to life (my friend gave her the name Phantasma for when she grows up)


Are you new to Wattpad? If so, welcome! 
             Anyway, I thought it best to continue our conversation here. I have been lucid dreaming for a year and a half now, but I have to admit I'm bad at it. Not because of my skill but because I rarely put in the work...I haven't dream journalled in that it's summer and I have more daydreaming time I should put more effort into it, because the results are totally worth it. That's a cool family gift ^-^ my parents know about my least, they know that in a flurry of internet cults I literally tried to use a magic spell to grow them when I was twelve (only two years ago, unfortunately, that was an embarrassing time of my life...) and now they know I "pretend" they're there but can't see them. Their loss, I say. 
             And YES it helps me sleep better at night...almost every night (heck, right after I post this comment) as I'm falling asleep I'm in some sort of storyline with wings and I can feel them splayed out behind/on top of me. That's when I feel them the most, is at night and in the morning between waking up and actually getting out of bed (especially in summer haha)


            Same here, as far as spells ^^. (or was it .net?) and were my two favorite wingsites, but my parents never found out. I was a sneaky little preteen, using incognito windows and deleting my history as often as possible.
            I don't really have to put effort into lucid dreaming, though. Which is amazing and awful at the same time. I can instantly lapse into a fantasy dream, but nightmares are terrible....especially when I wake up, physically unable to move. The lucid part is the worst because my nightmares usually end with falling, but the unlucky me hits bottom THEN wakes up.
            I've also got consistent storyline dreams. The characters age, develop, and get sick or die, and many of my dreams are like cross-dimensional visions. XD
            And I feel ya in the wake up/lay down, but anytime I sleep my wings are present, physical, and occasionally squished XD