
Hi there I'm alive and updating 'Dog Teeth' after 47 years 
          	I'm sorry it's taken so long, and there might be a delay AGAIN because I'm starting school tomorrow and-
          	What a life


Hey, guys :))
          I'm so so sorry for my absence, though not many are really impacted? Anyways, I just want to thank you guys for the support with my situation. (For those who are seeing this and are confused, go to my story 'Dog Teeth' and read the last chapter.) It's been quite the journey, and I'm finally getting the help I need tomorrow, which has been absent since early September. (Thanks, counselor ;) ) So, I want to make it clear that when I come back, I will be putting in so much more of my heart to all of my work to thank everyone. On January 30th, The Heart of Septiplier will become a year old, and I'm doing my damnest to get access back to my platforms and back to all you sweet and loving people. (I deserve none of you, either, why are you here btw?) I deserve none of this, and this year has, by far, been the best ever. So with that said, thanks for all your patience, and I'm gonna be back as soon as I can.
          Take care, I love you, smooches! <3