
Hey all, I don't know if anyone still listens to anything I post here, but this year I'm hosting wordtober again. If you're on twitter or tumblr, search for the hashtag #wortober and find me there (@arannea on twitter, @momo-de-avis on tumblr, but keep in mind I'm basically a nobody on twitter so it's easier to find me on tumblr and the hashtag is more relevant on tumblr).
          	Here is the link for the Google Doc with all the relevant info about how Wordtober will work out this year:
          	Tomorrow I'll be updating with a new doc with all the relevant prompts.
          	Feel free to participate. You don't have to notify me, just use the hashtag wherever you are, whether here or on twitter, even AO3 if you wish!


Hey all, I don't know if anyone still listens to anything I post here, but this year I'm hosting wordtober again. If you're on twitter or tumblr, search for the hashtag #wortober and find me there (@arannea on twitter, @momo-de-avis on tumblr, but keep in mind I'm basically a nobody on twitter so it's easier to find me on tumblr and the hashtag is more relevant on tumblr).
          Here is the link for the Google Doc with all the relevant info about how Wordtober will work out this year:
          Tomorrow I'll be updating with a new doc with all the relevant prompts.
          Feel free to participate. You don't have to notify me, just use the hashtag wherever you are, whether here or on twitter, even AO3 if you wish!


Hey there fellas, I have been mortally absent but am alive and would like to say that I have set up a Patreon for my writing. I am an art historian so I will be publishing essays on art, both little and big things, as well as monthly updates to novellas I'm writing. For that reason, I might unpublish some stories I have here.
          Here is a link! Be welcomed!


Hey how are you? A few years ago you read my first two books and I wondered if you would be interested in reading the third once it's done? I'm not really on wattpad any more but please let me know :) 


@hrb264 I've followed you on twitter :) 


@hrb264 Hey I don't come here too often anymore either (just know when I have a private message bc it sends an email) so don't worry, haha. Sent you a PM ;)


I'm behind a lot of reading, so apologies for that BUT I shall get back to it, I promise! Just popping up to wish you all a good week!
          Remember that Afterlife is now complete, so take a gander:


@M-J-Cervanez Thank you!!! I hope all's well with you ❤


@theanaleao Complete? That's good to here for ya :)


I JUST noticed something in Afterlife went wrong and the Seventh chapter jumped to the end? I didn't catch it on my PC, just the app, so I am not sure if this was a serious glitch or I'm just technology illiterate but anyway, I hope it's fixed now! I SWEAR it has a proper ending!


@DomiSotto   I've had problems like that before as well, but this was a new one for me!


Wattpad messes up with the blocks of text sometimes, cutting oit entire paragraphs. First time I published my book, my first chapter got cut through the middle, then restarted. 