
A new memento mori (BJxReader update) will be published later today xx


Ya girl is finally working on a new chapter to Memento Mori that's going to be published either tonight or tomorrow. 
          I'm so sorry for the wait, It turns out moving country a few weeks after a bereavement is hella stressful and a lot of work and overall not great for your mental health. Uni work has been non-stop as well, training for the theatre industry is killer. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I'm back and I'm sorry for disappearing off the face of the planet.


I have chapters 11-15 planned and outlined I just need to write them and I'm planning on starting chapter 11 tonight, Sorry for the wait guys! However on the plus side, I had my last ever shift at work today and I don't go on holidays for an entire week so hopefully, that means more uploads and being able to write chapters and save them so I can upload them while I'm in Spain! Thank you for all the support, love you guys!!


Hey guys! I'm trying my best to post, my grandmother (I'm so close to her she's like another mother to me) recently had a stroke and is still in hospital hooked up to a bunch of machines so times are quite stressful atm, also I'm moving out of my parents house to a different country at the start of September so I'm rather busy! 
          Thanks for understanding and I love you all 


@Amaiikuu Thank you! And that backpack sounds amazing! I'd love to see a picture of it 
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            Of course~ and if you ever need to talk, I’m here❤️ and thanks so much, I’m nervous but I got a cool Beetlejuice backpack
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@Amaiikuu Thank you so much hun! It means so much to have people who understand, and good luck with the new school year ❤
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