
seeing the reading lists people add my stories to is either really funny or very offensive 


hey y’all. i’m working on the next chapter of my book, but it’s going to take a little while for me to finish it. i’m (kinda?) going through a breakup right now and it’s really just putting a dent in my life. it’ll be posted as soon as i’m done. love ya :)


this message may be offensive
y’all. i’ve been so sick for the past few weeks and i feel like shit!! i got covid tested and i don’t have it! but omg i feel like i’m dying. anyways, i don’t know when i’m going to update my story. the next chapter is still in the works and is almost done so please be patient w me. <3 


What wonderful stories! It's nice to meet more people who like phantom. 


@ NathaliaSantos207  ❤️ it's amazing stories. Please stay safe and take care 


thank you my dear!! i’m so happy you’re enjoying my stories 