
i like to change my theme a lot instead of updating my books oops


I found one of your books on here. It's a Brandon Rogers books and it went directly from the soundtrack to "hey I'm done" and then it ended. I was wondering if that was on purpose or what. I would really like to know. Thanks!!!


Dear Gay Italian Bread,
          I am a christian mother, virgin, and a pope. Iwould like to explain how much we hate you, a "christian" , in our very religious and kept up community. First of all, your gay and we don't approve of that. Second, your wattpad themes looks like cancer, fix it. We also don't like the fact that you wear the same shirt every friday, WITH STAINS. SMH. Also, you are a slithering snake, yet you tell people you're human???????? When will the lies end?? My daughter is friends with you, every time you talk you take ten years off of her beautiful life. The only people you attract are either bicurious, malik, or white crackheads who ask for kiwis. And I'm not done. Your hair used to look like a dog, but now it looks like scout finch's nasty ass cousin who had a kid with their other cousin. Please exterminate yourself from our religious group, and from society in general, you won't be missed sweaty.
          Have fun with your gay carbon dioxide.
          Merry christmas sweaty,
          the @ button is free,
          Goodnight Hunty.
          Sincerely, A Christian Mother.