
i’m tired.


Keep holding on 


Me every minute of every day 


hnng thank you angel ! i am doing all of those things now, especially since you left me more comments on softcore ): you’re so sweet i don’t know what to do with myself ~ thank you thank you thank you <33 your thoughts mean the world to me + it means even mire that you checked up on me uwu 
          how was your day? i hope it was positive ! 


your books are ART. art in its finest form. i’m so happy that you’re happy, yay!!! my day? it was subpar at best, but reading your stories & seeing your message made it a bit brighter. thank you for asking. ((((: ❤️


:0 thank you for your sweet comments on mutualism, angel )): they made me so so unbelievably happy~ i’m very glad you decided to give it a chance ! i hope your day is/has been going well + that you’re getting all the love you deserve <33 if not, i’m here to give it to you !!


thank you for your beautiful writing. (especially your use of vocabulary, ugh, i love!!!) i’m happy that they made you happy, hehe~ my days are typically average at best, but i appreciate the concern, uwu. i hope yours is/has been filled with love & affection, & if not, i’m here to give it to you as well!! <3