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You say Zodiac, we say Homestuck

You worship your gods, we worship LORD HUSSIE!

You say we die for good, we say we go godtier

You say Homestuck is boring, we say it's the best thing to read besides manga

You say card symbols, we say quadrants

You say best friend, we say moirial

You say lover, we say matesprit

You say we're weird, we say your normal

You facepaint at parties, we paint for cosplay

You say bucket, we get disgusted

You say it's windy, we say it's John doing the windy thing

You say parents, we say lusus

You say movies, we say rom-coms and Nic Cage

You say cool, we say Strider

You say crab, we say Crabdad

You say rainbow, we say hemospectrum

You say "aliens", we say Trolls

You say cat, we say Pawbeast

You drink soda, we drink Faygo

You say the universe was made by a "Big Bang", we say Karkat made the Universe

You say red and blue, we say Psionics

You say fashion, we say Kanaya

You have ships, we have shipping walls

You say Jesus, we say Jegus

You say books are long, we say Homestuck is HUGE

You say God, we say Gog

You say 69, we say Cancer symbol

You say freaked out, we say triggered

You say adorable, we say adorabloodthirsty

You say we're freaks, we say we're HOMESTUCK
  • The beach :P
  • JoinedSeptember 10, 2014

4 Reading Lists