
Heeeey guys. Sorry I've been absent, just dealing with some family things right now. I should have the next chapter up by tomorrow or Friday. Sorry again. Thanks for hanging in there with me :) 


@storiesforswift  OMG yes , can't wait :D


Heeeey guys. Sorry I've been absent, just dealing with some family things right now. I should have the next chapter up by tomorrow or Friday. Sorry again. Thanks for hanging in there with me :) 


@storiesforswift  OMG yes , can't wait :D


Hey guys! I just wanted to pop in and say something real quick. You guys have no idea how much it means to me that you are reading this story. Your positive comments and feedback mean the world to me. I would love to write a book (or books) in the future and actually get them published, so to have your kind words of encouragement is amazing. You guys are really amazing and thanks for being so supportive.
          Ps. New chapter should be up soon, it's not the best but it's something.