
I've been writing a story for a few years now and I have so many ideas in my head that I'm trying to put into it. It took me so long because I was trying to find perfect personalities and back-stories to each character and gave them importance even if they didn't have a big roll in book's plot. Also, I was trying to find inspiration and write this in a way that readers can find themselves in characters and decisions they make. I've been wondering, if I was to publish it, would anyone be interesting in reading it? Please let me know. You can also message me if you are too shy. Thank you!


@stonevalentino i will too. Im always looking for new things to read


I've been writing a story for a few years now and I have so many ideas in my head that I'm trying to put into it. It took me so long because I was trying to find perfect personalities and back-stories to each character and gave them importance even if they didn't have a big roll in book's plot. Also, I was trying to find inspiration and write this in a way that readers can find themselves in characters and decisions they make. I've been wondering, if I was to publish it, would anyone be interesting in reading it? Please let me know. You can also message me if you are too shy. Thank you!


@stonevalentino i will too. Im always looking for new things to read