
Looking for somebody who can eagles one shots


Hard to believe its my daughter kaleah first Halloween, she is three mouths old and time is flying by fast. Before long she will be one she is my miracle baby and she is such a blessing. She loves her older stepsister and we love hef


What can I say about my stepdad, he's be my rock throught everything that's happen and a beat of all he adores my daughter. I'm lucky to have him in my life and being able to lean o. him during this time has be amazing and he aways has my back. Seeing him with my daughter i'v see that smile come back to his face that I haven't see after my mom died he stop smiling but kaleah has brought his smile back and that's the best feeling to see your dad smiling and laughing. He's done a whole lot then my real my dad did. Sure my real dad show up at the hospital but after my mom died he never come around but I don't need him, I have my stepdad and I will be ok. My stepdad has provided for me my whole life and he stills continues to. He love my momma with passion and aways made sure to treat her right. He taught me that a women should be treated with respect and shouldn't have a hand lay on her. I love you apollo you the best dad and grandpa I could ever ask for.