
I am overwhelmed by all your messages and the love you have showered. 
          	So a small change is definitely in place. I will not be closing this account, but I will definitely be logging off from this account from tonight. Any messages after 9pm IST to this account will not be replied since I will be uninstalling Wattpad app too.
          	Regarding the stories, as requested, they will not be unpublished, you can read them and enjoy.
          	Whenever I get time, I will definitely try to update it, but that will take place only after a few months. I hope you understand.
          	Thank you for all the love and care, I wish I sort everything soon and come back. 
          	Hoping to see you all soon.


@springoceania thank you so much ♥️


I am overwhelmed by all your messages and the love you have showered. 
          So a small change is definitely in place. I will not be closing this account, but I will definitely be logging off from this account from tonight. Any messages after 9pm IST to this account will not be replied since I will be uninstalling Wattpad app too.
          Regarding the stories, as requested, they will not be unpublished, you can read them and enjoy.
          Whenever I get time, I will definitely try to update it, but that will take place only after a few months. I hope you understand.
          Thank you for all the love and care, I wish I sort everything soon and come back. 
          Hoping to see you all soon.


@springoceania thank you so much ♥️


For the greater good.
          Now I understand the meaning of the above sentence.
          Every beginning has an end and so is my Wattpad journey. I did not think that I will be doing this, but yes I am leaving Wattpad.
          Personal life needs my attention and right now, nothing is more important than it.
          Thank you to all my followers, my fellow readers who have shown their love and support for my books.
          I'll be closing this account tomorrow night, that is, April 21 night.
          Till then, I'll be available.
          I am sorry for this decision but this is needed.
          Thank you for understanding.
          You can message me till tomorrow and I'll try to reply whenever I am free.
          Take care.


@springoceania Take care and be safe. We totally understand your decision. 


Dear friends, I am happy to announce that I am officially a Wattpad Ambassador! 
          Owing to my extremely hectic personal life, I was unable to update my stories. I apologise for the delay. 
          A big thank you to all of my readers who are waiting patiently for the updates. I hope to update at least by next week. 


@springoceania Congratulations ❤


@vyomaa_verse congrats to you too


You are an ambassador now!!!


@springoceania  congratulations ❤️


@Shivran86 and going to post in my bio now, got free now after sending my kids to school phew :)