
          	My gosh
          	The nostalgia here is just -- omomg
          	All my old stuff is SO CRINGEY
          	I can't believe I ever wrote that stuff, let alone was even proud of it.
          	I had it on my deviantart for goodness sakes!
          	This has got to get cleansed of all the nasty cringe.
          	Ack omg


          My gosh
          The nostalgia here is just -- omomg
          All my old stuff is SO CRINGEY
          I can't believe I ever wrote that stuff, let alone was even proud of it.
          I had it on my deviantart for goodness sakes!
          This has got to get cleansed of all the nasty cringe.
          Ack omg


Just wanted you all to know my page is going through a nice cleansing. I'm going to unpublish majority of my stories and edit and revise them, maybe add to them. The point is there's a lot currently missing from my stories and I just wanted to warn you all.


I honestly don't even know what I was thinking when I wrote some of my older stories :'D All I know right now is that I think I may go through and redo things and maybe completely rewrite others. Also, all my stories have the copywrite thing because my best friend showed me what to do for that :'D


Hey, so without meaning to, not that anyone really noticed, but I kinda went inactive. I really feel like writing right now but I wouldn't know where to start or really what to write, so I figured I wouldn't. I'm also sorry I haven't updated my art book; not really had the motivation for anything. I hope the followers who actually care understand :/


Hey guys so, uh, I am going to update my books and stuff but I just need time to find everything, maybe rewrite some stuff, er, I dunno. I'm just letting you all know that I am still alive and I am going to continue writing. If you've ever had an idea and wanted to share with me or something, please do! PM me and we can chat, as well as we can then talk to each other about anything. Love you all :D


hai remember me


@animess yas but I can't remember what it is and I got rid of it.


nun do u have kik


@animess watching FNAF videos on YouTube. you?