
I’m alive?


this message may be offensive
pov: you’re best friend that you’ve been quietly crushing on for past half a year tells you that they like the stoner skater boy from down the street and you have to act really supportive as a best friend while simultaneously having your heart curb stomped to absolute shit
          fuck me, i won’t cry over this. my day was already shit before this and well, now i’m going to bed with a broken heart  


@IYesBecauseWhyNotI you’ve helped out more than you could ever imagine <333


@IYesBecauseWhyNotI  I’m already feeling a little better but I had to remove them from my homescreen on my phone today and they’re didn’t talk to me lately and I want to talk to them about it but talking to them at all just makes it feel new again  ily this message made me a lot happier because, surprisingly, you’re the most supportive person to me right and the people i know irl can’t really understand it. I hope you’re doing better from when this happened to you <3


I’m probably one of the most active inactive writers on WattPad. Sorry about that but I guess I care more for schoolwork and  watching YouTube. This whole virtual school thing is messing with me.... I’ve been in virtual school since the end of February and y’all in America are complaining