
I'll have you know that, yes I am still alive, and why yes, I just copied and pasted my entire story onto a flash drive...Why? I still have no freaking idea...But it took an hour. The computer was being really slow... In other words I'm making progress with trying to edit the book! Yay! It'll still be slowly edited btws. Goodnight everyone. I'm going to enjoy the rest of my week off of school.


I'll have you know that, yes I am still alive, and why yes, I just copied and pasted my entire story onto a flash drive...Why? I still have no freaking idea...But it took an hour. The computer was being really slow... In other words I'm making progress with trying to edit the book! Yay! It'll still be slowly edited btws. Goodnight everyone. I'm going to enjoy the rest of my week off of school.


Well, everyone, I'm still editing Life-It's Hard. I know it's like been almost a full year since I've uploaded the first chapter of it, too. In one week it'll be a year. I'm copying and pasting the chapters to word and editing it from there. I won't do anything else, because I'm extremely bored and need something to keep me busy. I'll keep you posted of how far I get, but from what I've looked at today, there will be a lot of changes to the book. Please don't expect the book to just be edited right away, even though it should've been. Sorry for the absolutely long wait!!! Thanks for all your patience!!!


Yay! I finally have over 800 reads!! Thanks so much! I'll still be editing my book and I should have another one posted soon. My last day of school is tomorrow and it's a half day. I'll have plenty of time to edit my first book so it should up completed hopefully soon. Thanks again!!!


I've decided to edit all of Life- It's Hard before I continue with the sequel, Life- It Doesn't Get Any Easier. I'm sorry that you'll have to wait, but there is stuff I need to include in the sequel, and to do that, I'll need to go back to the first book. I'm sorry but thanks for the patience!!!!


Well I'm officially sixteen. Yay! Lol. Also I'm really sorry about the sequel. It's literary been a month since I updated and I only have one chapter up for it. Please forgive me. I normally update no later than four days, for the most 
          part. Thanks for the patience!!!


Sorry it has/is still taking me so long to update the sequel. I've been avoiding it, but I'll work on it tomorrow!!! Thanks for being patient with me!!! Please get to 600 reads for me then it might motivate me more! No joke!!-smiley1997