
Hi all, I hope you’re doing well. 
          	Due to the current atmosphere surrounding Wilbur, I will be unpublishing Abroad. I cannot in good conscience have a story up centered around him, even though it has been 4 years since I made this story. Thank you for the support you’ve given me on this platform thus far. I hope someday I can create great stories again. Support victims, support those affected, and I hope Shelby and all others are able to heal from this. 
          	Thank you,


@luminouswilbur good call. it was a fun read while it lasted but, in all honesty, all good things die hard.  #supportshelbysquad


@xeroastry and i appreciate all of you. comfort comes in many forms, i hope you're able to find one to help you through this.


@Beeduoandmichael hopefully i will come around again with a better story, thank you for your support. though abroad is over it means the world to me!


Hi all, I hope you’re doing well. 
          Due to the current atmosphere surrounding Wilbur, I will be unpublishing Abroad. I cannot in good conscience have a story up centered around him, even though it has been 4 years since I made this story. Thank you for the support you’ve given me on this platform thus far. I hope someday I can create great stories again. Support victims, support those affected, and I hope Shelby and all others are able to heal from this. 
          Thank you,


@luminouswilbur good call. it was a fun read while it lasted but, in all honesty, all good things die hard.  #supportshelbysquad


@xeroastry and i appreciate all of you. comfort comes in many forms, i hope you're able to find one to help you through this.


@Beeduoandmichael hopefully i will come around again with a better story, thank you for your support. though abroad is over it means the world to me!


Rest in peace technoblade
          i am so devastated and heartbroken, to think I became close with so many people, started watching so many creators, wanted to pursue my passions-all because of a video of his I watched and saw him join the dream smp. I love so many creators but he was the first. Thank you alexander for opening my eyes to this beautiful loving community and all the love that it has to give. I hope you are finally pain free and at peace. Thank you for everything.