
 helloo <3 i will be back soon wif another story but I may be like rlly rlly super duper not active like extinction almost (?) as im like 1/4 closer to my dream of med sch >__< hope you understand!! 
          	i will never stop writing as long as i can miss you lots 


 helloo <3 i will be back soon wif another story but I may be like rlly rlly super duper not active like extinction almost (?) as im like 1/4 closer to my dream of med sch >__< hope you understand!! 
          i will never stop writing as long as i can miss you lots 


merrie xmas to youuuu!!! >__< a new one shot is coming your way soon~ 
          thank you for all of your support and kind words! love you lots and i hope you’ll get lots of presents and eat good food (﹡´◡`﹡ ) keep on going! and don’t forget that you are loved !! 


posted a new oneshot please you lowkey actually have to read it cuz i put my entire soul into it! y-yeah! <3 muah muah 


@felixissossick ouh! and also! i hope i wasnt rude or anythinggg ^.^ hav a good dayyyy


@felixissossick HAHAHA OMGG SORRY i was aiming for a  yah! have to read neow!! not like an actual READ NOW .READ NOW. hope you know what I meant >__<


@shwybwunnie babe r u ok why are u stuttering over text while trying to promote ur books that ur forcing everyone to read ?? genuine question !


፧ ✩‧₊ 'ރ s1l3nt-6ry !
          ⠀ hello :D. you’re very cute !! thank you for saying that i’m not annoying… i appreciate that so muuchh ! :DD 


፧ ✩‧₊ 'ރ @shwybwunnie !
            ⠀ hehe ! that’s not true ! i’m sure there are other people who could get that award ^^ thank you !! have an super duper day and merry christmas as well cutie :DD your works are really good, that’s why i’m reading them :33


winner of most aesthetic user, lovely nd super duper amazing stay award 2023 goes to….. @s1l3nt-6ry !!!! muah muah tank u so much >__< teehee <3 no need to thank me ^^ for you really really aren’t!! <333 have an amazing day nd hope you’ll have a merrie Xmas !! thank you for reading my works!! 


* looks at everyone with guilt * 
          (✘д✘๑;) ³₃i am b-back… i am done with my finals :D.. sorry wait I’m so sorry i was gone for so so long and I didn’t update or anything (*`Д´)っ))
          you can unfollow me or anything if you’re mad im sorry :( i will be updating rn! cuz my exams are overrr (๑•̀ㅁ•́ฅ✧ i also found out ways to improve my stories! ^__^