
Does anyone wanna do a historical fiction with me? I was thinking the time should be about 14 Century.


@PandorE Haha my friends are sick of me reciting ALL of ehr lines. But I can't help it! For example:
          "In truth i should thank you. The church has sent more souls to perdition than all the wars, famines, and pestilences put together."
          (now in French)
          "En vérité, je devrai vous remercier. L'Eglies a envoye plus d'âmes à la perdition que toutes les guerres, les famines, et les pestes noires mis ensemble!"
          Yup, I'm a freak. And I'm proud of it! >:D


@PandorE Bonjour! Je en classe de française deux. J'adore française!!!
          Haha, yeah.
          Season of the Witch is awesome! And yeah, I get how a demon starting the Black Death wasn't so great, but it made the plot go somewhere, right? Claire Foy as Anna can i say this?... TOTALLY FREAKING AMAZING!!! xD
          Yup yup. Have a great day!