
Hello everyone! For the most part of you, won't care about this message BUT ik someone will care, so here we go, I decided that I might consider continuing the awful story I made but before I need to re-read itbecause I completely forgot what I wrote. Pretty ironic right? If I don't continue the story for a while I'll just be correcting pieces of what I wrote, so please bear with me . And most of all I hope, I wish that YOU my fellow human and friends, are having a wonderful, magnificent experience and day. 
          	I Salut you all<3


Who needs the sun, or light to see anyways? Not when you to light up my whole world<33 
          I need you like the air I breath. But at the same time - your the air I breath. 
          Forget drowning in the ocean, I wanna sink and drown in you instead. 
          Plz I have a ring, but I don't have an ring holder to put it on. May I put it on your finger instead?


Have I seen you before? Becuz you look like the girl of my dreams wowie. 
          Hey, my mom once told me to chase after my dreams, can I chase you? 
          And I also happen to be a photographer, and I can definitely picture me and you together<333 


@shaimaster omg hiiiiii yes, definitely. Also  don't worry I will<3  the same goes for you. 


@yosukelover9696 damn if spiderman got bitten by a spider to be spiderman can you bite me? So I can be your man
             Take care man and don't over do it


Hello everyone! For the most part of you, won't care about this message BUT ik someone will care, so here we go, I decided that I might consider continuing the awful story I made but before I need to re-read itbecause I completely forgot what I wrote. Pretty ironic right? If I don't continue the story for a while I'll just be correcting pieces of what I wrote, so please bear with me . And most of all I hope, I wish that YOU my fellow human and friends, are having a wonderful, magnificent experience and day. 
          I Salut you all<3


Hello I will be off of this app for a bit, I'm dealing with a lot of stuff and I can't keep my cool down. I even thought of offing myself but I was told that it wouldn't do anything. I hope to my dismay that you all are starting the new year on the right foot.