
"someone needed you." She said, turning to me. "They needed A fire to burn down the system. And you, you were a hot coal. All they needed to do was blow on you to make you burst into flames." 
          ~~Stolen-blood. (part 2 of the cyber blood story)


I have a story idea, 
          it is inspired by some cyberpunk art that i found on pinterest and i made a description and i will start writing and publish it some time next week :) 
          "C.A.M (Cyber, Advanced, machine) is one of the first test subjects of the “Prodigy Association”. She is a machine with a human brain and nervous system she was raised in a state of unconsciousness and was tested on for years. now she is awake and she discovers the real reason for her existence. when she finds out who her brain belonged to before it was her own, she is not sure she wants to hold on to the only part of her that is human."