
Dearest friends, 
          	I have had half this chapter written for the last 2 months but only just found the proper way to write the second half in the last week or so. This chapter was for all of you as a thank you for your wonderful support, kind words, and encouragement. Thank you!


Dearest friends, 
          I have had half this chapter written for the last 2 months but only just found the proper way to write the second half in the last week or so. This chapter was for all of you as a thank you for your wonderful support, kind words, and encouragement. Thank you!


And here we go!
          Chapter 1 of Beauty's Beast is up. I'm working on the IIIs as well as attempting to catch up with my readings. I did my best to edit but it's 130AM and I think I'm now officially cross-eyed from fatigue. Cheers, ladies. This one's for all of you!


@scheherazadesins it is a very great chapter. intriguing and sad. I'm already drawn into the story and it's only the 1st chapter.
            I'm looking forward to the whole story of Can Divit, the beast.
            And I am very curious about Sanem's role in this story.


I really hated the amnesia scenes which dragged the story. When they lived such a beautiful love story how could Can bey forget Sanem? I wish they would have let their love, their perfume and some beautiful scenes to remind him. Anyways you want to write about Sanem forgetting Can is also a good plot. I also wish that Canbey has to sweat it out and remind her of their love. Good luck but keep continuing the 2 stories


I can’t wait for your new stories Beauty’s. beast and Remember Love.  I'm not a fan of the amenesia scenes from the series, that lasted way too long and then it got stale. Such a shame, I think it could have been done differently. So looking forward to your story.


          It's past 2AM where I am and I'm half asleep but I really wanted to finish off the IIs with the remaining Heda/Metin bits and pieces I'd written randomly over the last few months. 
          I had to stitch them together to create a story while half asleep. 
          I'm very excited to start the IIIs which I believe will be all of three chapters. And then I'm moving forward with Beauty's Beast. I have about 30 pages worth of free writing with that story 
          Also sitting in my drafts is another CanEm story called Remember Love. I've shared with my writing partner/idea sounding board @thewordsmythe bits and pieces of this story many, many, many months ago when we first started talking. 
          Anyway, here's a bit of a sneak PEEK: 
          "All roads lead to you, even those I took to forget you." - Mahmoud Darwish
          Sanem set her albatross free to help him heal and become who he once was. Now that he's returned, will her mind that's chosen to forget listen to her heart that perhaps never let go?
          Can's return to Istanbul for the first time in over two years sends shockwaves to everyone but the one person he came back for. Sanem once assured him that one day his heart will forget her, has hers forgotten him?


@scheherazadesins Hmm! I really detest that amnesia plot in EK as I thought it was unnecessary so I'm not sure I'd want to write one for Sanem. Having said that, I wished it was Sanem who'd forgotten Can and he'd had to put in all the work to get her to remember him or fall in love with him again. Let's discuss this further offline.


@MollyHawkins2 do you have any story recs with that plot? I’d love to read some!


@MollyHawkins2 moved on!  although it would be a great idea to write one with Sanem unable to remember Can. @thewordsmythe, take one for the team! 


Dearest friends, 
          If you reached the end of the chapter entitled Fated Love and felt that the reconciliation between Heda and Metin wasn't as fleshed out as you wanted because clearly those two have issues, please hold tight, I have an accompanying chapter to write tonight. 
          Speaking of accompanying chapters, this is the last of IIs, IIIs will follow but focused entirely on something else with our favorite characters still featured. Let's just say they're a bit of a peak into the future. 
          Thank you will all my heart for the support and kind words. I was 20 pages deep of writing the Reunited chapter when I thought for a moment no one was going to want to read an EK story that didn't have CanEm as featured characters. I was heartened to see actual comments! 
          Thank you for giving Heda and Metin a chance. I hope I haven't done EK a disservice by introducing characters who didn't fit into EK universe. 


@scheherazadesins i’ve been on the edge of my seats reading this book. I’m all for different characters taking the lead. what I love the most about this issue showed just how close knit this group of friends was.


@ scheherazadesins  It was completely worth it!! I have loved knowing Metin and Heda. 


@scheherazadesins I have loved this story from the first chapter, Bambi comes to town, even though you have highlighted bit EK characters and introduced new ones. I am so relieved that Metin and Heda have finally come to their senses. Can't wait for more.


Suddenly the world turns upside down, and the thing you hope won't happen to you for a while suddenly happens.
          Your friend and her family are no longer there. What remains are beautiful memories, even though they seem so far away at the moment.
          It is always difficult to say goodbye to someone you love so much and who occupies such an important place in your life.
          I wish you a lot of strength in this difficult time. I sincerely hope that, in the long term, this loss will find a place in your heart.


My Dear, I am so sorry. I am praying for you. My heart aches for the suffering of Palestinians. They say time heals, but in my personal experience, it was and is not the case. As time goes on, you learn how to live with that kind of loss. The only thing that helped me was prayer and the awesome memories we shared. I will always keep you in my prayers ❤️ and I am honestly sad, sorry ...