
My Christmas present to you all will be updates on everything. Short stories, my journal, the challenges, the cliche sequel, and maybe even FOP if I get to it. Good idea? c:


PLEASE DO A FAN FIC CLICHE ok that comment was cliche sorry but i hate it where someone says they're writing a fan fic but its just a normal story with one of the characters looks the same as the celebrtiy and has the same name THAT IS IT! i read a josh hutcherson 'fan fic' once like this and i was asked to edit it and i did but i laughed the whole time!!!


@Adalwolfa: I'm so weighed down with school work right now(End of first quarter, it sucks :p ), but as soon as I'm caught up and back to normal again, I'll check your story out. It seems pretty interesting. I would never delete a comment c: I'm just nice like that. Even if I didn't see it, I know other people would, and they might be interested.


Yes you guys, I talk about getting internet famous in my journal. I want it to happen. I would use it for good and to help people. I would help people through their problems, be nice to everybody, and basically make myself the most approachable famous person out there.