
Maybe this is going to be a final end now as I have been waiting for all ppl to come and say goodbye but everyone has a life of their own, and I am going to live my own so let's gear up and moe on to a new horizon of our life and see what treasure we would find if we keep searching and not stick at a same place. It is being difficult because online we don't know ppl and have never met them before or ever so for me goodbyes to unknown ppl have been a difficult process.
          	A great life ahead to u all .
          	Remember salnumx in Ur prayers.
          	May this change bring much more positive things in life.
          	See you in a much better place than here
          	Yours sincerely
          	Peace n love


Maybe this is going to be a final end now as I have been waiting for all ppl to come and say goodbye but everyone has a life of their own, and I am going to live my own so let's gear up and moe on to a new horizon of our life and see what treasure we would find if we keep searching and not stick at a same place. It is being difficult because online we don't know ppl and have never met them before or ever so for me goodbyes to unknown ppl have been a difficult process.
          A great life ahead to u all .
          Remember salnumx in Ur prayers.
          May this change bring much more positive things in life.
          See you in a much better place than here
          Yours sincerely
          Peace n love


Hey everyone do read my post and also share whatever u want to do here, I am going to leave wattpad soon and remove my account so yea if anyone wants to share anything they can do here, it was a great time here with u all
          Peace n love


@salnumx I can't believe you are leaving Wattpad for the same reason I'm going to leave soon too. Although I'm Christian, God is against the stuff people do here and write. I made a lot of mistakes too and I'm ready to put them behind me. I won't delete my Wattpad account but I'm just going to log out and maybe never come back. I said maybe because I would like to check one day how many views my books got. But I don't like it here anymore. I'm happy that we are going to be free from this. 
            P.S. I deleted Instagram, Tiktok, and Facebook two years ago, and Snapchat a year and a half ago. I have much more options to be productive by now. 
            It's only Wattpad left to remove.


Assalamu alaikum to all my dear fellaz here.
          A journey of 2 n a half years might be coming to an end now.
          It was such an adventurous and versatile journey for me , met a lot of different people here, read alot of adverse books, made alot of lovely friends, wattpad is a world in its own, I still remember my first book here and how for whole year I read books but didn't know you can vote on them or follow ppl or even write your own too.
          So a year after here, gave a shot to my own jumbled thoughts, it was fun to write but as it is that we all here write to satisfy I donno what but I wrote a few of my thoughts to give them a turn to give something to learn for all those reading them.
          But life had other plans, never got to complete my own books and all those in the drafts.
          I was going to take this leap of faith of leaving wattpad last year but it's never too late.
          Last year was such a eventful year where I had so many ups and downs.
          Being a Muslim I always believed that we should also give up something to make Allah happy.
          So I thought what could it be that would Make Allah Happy.
          I gave a thought to my most beloved things which had become my weakness.
          I  then decided to burn all my drawings when I got to know how much it is not approved by Allah so yes He is the Only Creator.
          I gave up drawing with the most sincerest feelings of my heart and I felt that Allah had accepted my sacrifice as I never had trouble in removing all my previous drawing which I kept finding on n on and never had I ever used my hands to draw again.
          And I want to do calligraphy of Allah's beautiful Name one day Insha'Allah.
          Another weakness which I had ignored was wattpad where my book was getting reads altho slow but it had meant alot to me , so now after a whole year of breaking and healing I have got this courage to remove wattpad ,a weakness in my life May it be accepted by Allah as he loves sacrifices of our beloved objects just like Hazrat Ibrahim AS did .
          Remember me in ur precious prayers


Walaekum Assalam,
            Girl I also used to draw Art of human faces and I also left it for the same Reason❤️May Allah give you Lots of Ajar Ameen.
            Watpadd I can’t leave because I believe we should have some goals etc & Alhamdulillah that I am not writing smut so I don’t feel anything wrong about it.
            My Instagram is @notprocrastinating_bibliophile Please stay with me in contact. If you want to read Ehsas e Talluq even after leaving watpadd, feel free to let me know I can always whatsapp the episodes to you!❤️
            Have a nice Journey & best of luck for a new start. I understand it can be difficult but you can do it♥️♥️


@salnumx it is really emotional to see you go but may it bring u the ease u r searching for, fame is really dangerous and getting attached to it is way more, its good that u r taking a step to finish this in its early stages as it might get difficult later.
            I myself believe that if u keep in Ur own cozy place without any hindrance from others u can enjoy it like u can still read amazing books by other ppl by making a new account where u have no followers n books so u can get away from it whenever u want, that's what u said once to me right, I didn't know u were saying all that cuz u wud leave one day but anyways I wish u happiness where ever u r.


@lavenderpeachea_ @Rohahatim and so many I can't remember their usernames now but still they all have special place in my heart


          How are you doing?
          Its been daus since I opened my wattpad and when I did, I saw your comments in the notifications on my book Play of Fate. They somehow felt unique eith your conversation about Shams abd fourty Rules of love.
          I would love to try your book and I will try my best get myself to read it. If u checked my profile, you would know that I have been through an emotional turmoil.
          That's why writting and reading has been kind of lost to me. I started forty rules of love in February and I still am not able to finish it.
          I hope you keep reading and writing, doing whatever that makes you satisfied.
          Because once it goes away then its hard to find your way back.
          Thank you so much. Take good care of yourself because only you can do that. 


@Nora_urszula you are truly welcome, whenever you need to share something, you can PM me, i really have some great motivating and consoling genes in me, hope they would help and come in handy, i will do my best to make someone happy because i believe that WORDS HAVE THE POWER TO HEAL THE SOUL.
            have a great day


@Nora_urszula thank you so much for this heartfelt message. It really gave me encouragement. 


@Nora_urszula Wassalam author
            Hope you are completely fine and healthy and doing great ❤️
            Thank you so much for your response, I really appreciate it.❤️
            Your story Play Of Fate is really great, everything in their right portion and amount, whether it be the feelings, situations, emotions, and all, although I haven't finished reading it, but let's see, how does the climax and conclusion comes out.❤️
            And yeah , do tell me your review about Forty Rules Of Love and also my book The Wife I Left Alone, hope you like it, but I am gonna give it a thorough proofread, may have some errors, otherwise, enjoy yourself.❤️
            And yeah, I'm really sorry for your troubles and emotional turmoil, I will Insha'Allah pray for you my sister, remember me in your prayers too, May Allah Ease Your Pain, ameen .❤️
            And yeah , when ever you find yourself being disappointed and sad, Do Read And Recite The Holy Qur'an, and I hope it will ease your worries, atleast I can give this advice to my Muslim brothers and sisters.❤️
            Read and write all your pain and worries out because keeping them inside only creates havoc inside ourself and takes a toll on our mind, heart and body.❤️
            Keep smiling and let the world know the strongest part of you.❤️
            No words , no human, no book, and not even mere thoughts are stronger than you.❤️
            May you remain successful and happy, my dear sister.❤️
            Your loving sister ,
            peace and love ❤️❤️❤️



Assalam-O-Alaikum Everyone,
          Hope you all are completely fine and healthy.
          And may you and your family be safe from Corona Virus as it had caused a great havoc on our beloved Earth.
          Since 2019 each and every country has got wrapped in this disastrous virus, and by recent news especially India, Bangladesh and other countries are facing a very serious situation regarding this.
          And we all stand together and pray for you. May you all be safe and healthy.
          And as we all know that this virus is dangerous for everyone and it has already caused so much distress in each person's life. So, coming to the main purpose of posting this message is
          I want to use this forum to spread my message and raise my voice for my dear brothers and sisters in Palestine and how they are suffering from the cruel torture of ISRAELI FORCES.
          And right now I ask as why you are so obsessed with ISLAMOPHOBIA when this is happening to the Muslims of Palestine.
          And , one more thing, is this how your forces act and fulfill their duties, by KILLING WOMEN , SMALL CHILDREN,  UNARMED INNOCENT PEOPLE.
          According to my definition of TERRORISM,  THIS IS TERRORISM.
          And I would never say,  " NO OFFENCE" because this is about INNOCENT HUMAN LIVES.
          And if there is any single person supporting what is being done by these Israeli forces irrespective of any cast, colour, or religion, so that person has literally forgotten humanity.
          Think and ask yourselves :
          WHY INNOCENTS?
          WHY MUSLIMS? 
          WHY KASHMIR?
          WHY PALESTINE?
          WHY ISLAM?
          I hope you think wisely.
          As we all believe in PEACE AND LOVE.
          Thank you.
          Peace and love


@AzkaNadeem29 ❤️❤️❤️( ◜‿◝ )♡(•‿•)
            Absolutely true.
            Thanks for supporting the cause and everyone should tooo.


@salnumx the rate of covid cases in Palestine is literally ZERO. Why? Because the whole world has cut off from them. They have literally no physical connection with the outside world. 
            Zionism is just another name for genocide. If ethnic cleansing of Jews is a genocide then so is this ethnic cleansing of Muslims, Christians and other minorities of Palestine. If Jews need a land a live then so do the Palestinians. No law permits them to take their land by force and call it there's. I repeat NO law!
            If these people need to defend themself against PALESTINIAN CHILDREN, I wonder how scared and insecure they must be!?
            This land was Palestine, is Palestine and will always be Palestine. None of your stupid, senseless or inhumane theories can effect it's existence. 
            These innocent people need freedom. Freedom to move, to eat, to drink, to educate, to travel, to work, TO LIVE !
            Thank you so much for your contribution @salnumx 
            Proud of you ❤