
hey everybody, I know some of you probably will not read this but if any of you are still interested in Naruto's Twin Brother my friend jinxthejedi is rewriting it


to everyone reading 'naruto's twin brother' and 'hate the game not, the player' I'm un-publishing them for now so I can catch up on them. I don't know when they'll be back up but hopefully sometime soon. thank you all for reading them!


Ok everybuddy! I have a important thing to say! (If yalls have a qoutev, yalls don't havta read) People a really cool website called qoutev is dieing! (Ok not really dieing, but you get the picture) anyway, please for the sake of quizes and non-wattpad related stories, make a qoutev account today! ( you guys are probabaly not, but it was worth the try)


Say what now?


@sakura1969 i been wondering were you get your aditude from in your words like you finnally met the perfect person in your life who brings you happiness, that of course to share humor for your followers so we can now how great your day is (Im sorry If I made no sense I was In a big hurry)