
Woooow....aku baru nemu nih novel2 WS, awalnya aku searching di internet nyari ttg Ratu Duyung. Makasih yaa udah capek2 update. Kalo bisa semua novelnya di masukin ke watty. Dan kalo bisa lagi masukkan semua Novel Dunia Persilatan ke watty juga ya...hehehehe...salam kenal sobat.


oh great! you prefer English. okay... um. Hi! could you please read my story called What Should Have Never Happened...Happened? hahaha, yeaah/ Please help me by Voting, Commenting and Becoming a Fan. please help me so I can get to the What's Hot list in the English way.... yeaaaaah. OH! I hope you like it! :) Thank you SO MUCH! <3 xx