
So... I'm very late to the bandwagon but... I've recently come across Merlin (since last week of April actually) . And I have online classes the whole month (May). Two subjects per week. And I've realized I'm completely distracted.
          	So now I'm torturing myself. I can't watch an episode until I've finished a subject. Or at least gone halfway through both subjects. And All I'm thinking is if i end up  with a two part episode.  Or if the episode ends in a cliffy. Good luck to me. Let the torture begin.
          	(Well it already began last Wednesday but its nearly midnight and I'm sleepy and got nothing to do *looks at light switch and thinks about subjects* *whispers*    Ignore it. No. Its math, ugh.)


Thanks for the votes!! I noticed your username, and I also have a new hp fanfic if you wanna check it out!! <3


@rickandrowling28 That’s actually really cool!!!!!


Hold on, I'll comment on the thread


@Annieboog No problem! I really liked it! I actually didn't search for you. I saw a comment of yours in a story, in Demigods As. And Apollo cabin was Royalty AUs. Then I decided to check it out, then here we are.


So... I'm very late to the bandwagon but... I've recently come across Merlin (since last week of April actually) . And I have online classes the whole month (May). Two subjects per week. And I've realized I'm completely distracted.
          So now I'm torturing myself. I can't watch an episode until I've finished a subject. Or at least gone halfway through both subjects. And All I'm thinking is if i end up  with a two part episode.  Or if the episode ends in a cliffy. Good luck to me. Let the torture begin.
          (Well it already began last Wednesday but its nearly midnight and I'm sleepy and got nothing to do *looks at light switch and thinks about subjects* *whispers*    Ignore it. No. Its math, ugh.)


Why does everyone say it's the 21st century? Its 2020! Not 2120!


We are at the ACE or AD times now.


@rickandrowling28 Dates are like these: BCE,  CE, and ACE or B. C or AD. Centuries are 100 years. 


@SleepyWooLoo i better research then. But still, why tho. Who started it? Well, I'm off to some research.


I just wanted to officially thank you for voting on all of the chapters of The Gathering. So many readers binge through the whole book and never say a peep. And I wonder, did they like it? They binged it, so I guess they did, but maybe they didn't like it enough to vote?  So thank you. It warms my heart.


@Kamiccola  I am binge reading it. While doing chores. I stop reading and do a little bit of my chore at a time, (i am taking as long as i want cause its Quarantine) while taking a guess what's going to happen. I love The Gathering. Period. And it's actually just because of the author's notes you put at the end of the chapter that I remember to vote. I'm actually surprised that I voted on every chap cause I'm a very forgetful idiot. (Once, I left my phone on my bed for ONE minute. ONE. And I looked everywhere but. My. Bed.) Maybe the rest enjoyed it so much that they forgot to vote? I usually completely forget voting on a chap when I use a computer to read. That's the main reason I use my phone.


Thank you for reading and voting on Loves Counterpart.


Thank you! I'm a bit old school when it comes to historical romances. I have Forever Ruined here for free and From the Ashes but just the teaser is here the rest of the book can be purchased as an Ebook on Booknet. If you have any interest in checking them out. Thanks for the compliment, it means a lot to hear back from my readers.


@Ruechari You're welcome. It's a great book. I haven't read anything like that in ages.


Hello. Announcement to everyone/anyone who likes my stories. I will now unpublish all of them. Note the word: unpublish. I don't like the way I've put my stories up. They're all made in the spur of the moment, and this is the reason why I haven't updated any of them. It's because I don't know what I'm gonna do. But, I am not going to delete them. Just unpublish. I might touch upon them one day but not now. I might just make a One-Shot storybook/compilation but even that's gonna be updated when I have an idea only. I'm sorry but I think I really need to do this.


It's funny when you think about it.
          When there's school and mountains upon mountains of schoolwork, you want summer to be immediately start tomorrow. Even if its just the first day of school because you know you're entering the days of sleeping at 3 in the morning and waking up at 5 to prepare for school.
          Now, its summer. No school. No worries. No more sleeping late at night and living of of coffee.
          And there's nothing to do.
          I am so bored.
          So bored.
          Is anyone else out of school yet? Cause I am. And I'm bored.


Hey guys! Valentine's Days is around the corner.
          May I ask?
          Who will have a date? 
          Who will not?
          Who's bitter?
          Who's alone?
          I, for sure, will be in the alone category. Who's with me?


I’ll be alone, but I’m not really bitter about it. 