
idek who will see this but I think I'm gender fluid I have never really actually put thought into my sexuality or sexual orientation bc I was scared of what would happen if I came out a lot of ppl ik arent homophobic or anything but I was still scared but ig this is where I start I'm only coming out on here tho bc I'm still a pussy and I'm behind a screen telling this to ppl I dont even know but its whatever :)


@wdymitaintcanon thanks for responding :)


@rennyig that's awesome. I think I'm either genderfluid or non binary (not sure how they could work out but sure) and its ok because coming out is not always easy even behind a screen. also sorry for not responding sooner


idek who will see this but I think I'm gender fluid I have never really actually put thought into my sexuality or sexual orientation bc I was scared of what would happen if I came out a lot of ppl ik arent homophobic or anything but I was still scared but ig this is where I start I'm only coming out on here tho bc I'm still a pussy and I'm behind a screen telling this to ppl I dont even know but its whatever :)


@wdymitaintcanon thanks for responding :)


@rennyig that's awesome. I think I'm either genderfluid or non binary (not sure how they could work out but sure) and its ok because coming out is not always easy even behind a screen. also sorry for not responding sooner