
Dearest Readers, I feel really really really really bad that I have neglected updating for such a long period of time. I miss writing my stories and hearing your comments, life just got away from me. I know that is no excuse for leaving you all in the dust but I hope you all forgive me. I will be back hopefully this weekend as I will have extra time for the first time in over a month and I hope to get some really super long I'm sorry size updates in. I hope you all can stick with me for two more days and I will fo sho get back into the swing of things!! I love you all with all my heart and I am so uber sowwy I deserted you like that. You guys are the best readers any writer in the world could hope for!! See you soon, 
          	Ellie <3 / Elizabeth 


Dearest Readers, I feel really really really really bad that I have neglected updating for such a long period of time. I miss writing my stories and hearing your comments, life just got away from me. I know that is no excuse for leaving you all in the dust but I hope you all forgive me. I will be back hopefully this weekend as I will have extra time for the first time in over a month and I hope to get some really super long I'm sorry size updates in. I hope you all can stick with me for two more days and I will fo sho get back into the swing of things!! I love you all with all my heart and I am so uber sowwy I deserted you like that. You guys are the best readers any writer in the world could hope for!! See you soon, 
          Ellie <3 / Elizabeth