
Drabble contest. Check this out!


Hi Friends,
          I am happy to inform you that "Arshi Fairytale - THE MYSTERY STAFF" is published in various platform by BUUKPALACE publication.
          Thank you all for your continues support and encouragement.
          Both paper book and nook book (eBook) is available in amazon (Free in Kindle unlimited), barnesandnoble and weltbild.
          Please find the link below and also in my wattpad profile.



          Book is published under the name "My Mysterious Staff" in Amazon and "My Mystery staff" in barnesandnoble and weltbild.
          Kindly requesting you to expend your support in other platform also. 
          Please rate the book and share your review in the respective platform.
          -With love
          Suhuna P


@psuhuna good luck dear ♥️♥️♥️♥️
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Hi Dear I enjoyed reading the story. Really you have excellent skill of writing. AMAZING Writer please keep writing similar stories..GOD Bless you with Great success in your life ❤


@swatiprabhu3 Thank you so much for your kind words. Stay safe
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Hellooo...welcome back...Hope u r doing good...
          When you are going to start another Arshi fairytale ?


@mitszy123  Thanks dear. I am good. Hope you are good and safe.
            I will start writing next fairytale once I get a stable time to give regular update. Main reason for not starting is I don't want to leave the story incomplete for months. Thanks for your support. Have a nice day.
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Hi Friends, 
          I am deeply sorry for MIA for two years without any notice. Many things happened in life so did not get time to write.
          I have finally completed 'A good Divorce" story. Link below,

          Kindly read and share your thoughts.
          Suhuna P


Hi, yesterday I was reading Shades of ASR and today I would love to continue reading but Wattpad shows the message the page has been moved... please can you keep the story on for just 1 more day? I love the concept and your writing about mutifaceted ASR is perfect, captures the essence of IPKKND well, please keep it on, I would like to complete reading, thank you


@siammeo it is wattpad error. Glad that you like the one shot
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Oh it must be wattpad error, I can continue reading now <3
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