
@AlexisAldinger I personally like AoT. It has beautiful animation and a thrilling plot. But if you don't like a lot of gore then it might not be the show for you. 


My god! I just finished Mermaids Tale, and it was so good! I wwnt through so many emtions. I got butterflies, I was scared to the bone, I was angry at book characters, I was sad about a romance and I was overjoyed by the end!
          Definelty worth the reading! <33


I love your works so much!!!! Even though you might not read this, i really appreciate your writing skills so much!
          Hopefully you are still writing to this day! Im so proud of you, im so happy about your works. We love your works and we love you!


I just want to say that I love your story a Mermaid’s Tale and that your writings are one of the few things in life that bring me joy please never stop writing


this message may be offensive
@Hetalia_Lover297 a big fat fucking cheers to that luv


I know im late but . . . . Nice job making story about pirate eyebrows
          This is very diffrent 
          Your very  creative
          And this is a masterpiece
          Probably the author is not reading this
          Probably enjoying school or something 
          I rate this 69 out of 10 !