
I am very sorry, everyone. I was caught up with double work this week so I couldn't update. I do usually keep two chapters in hand, and then release one, and right now I only have one chapter in hand. But i will release it soon.


I have written 'Promise IX' drafts 3 times, and it was gone all three times entirely because my wattpad app on my phone and the website is not synching. How many times do I have to write this chapter? I'm starting to think that wattpad is not letting me update. Not to worry, I will update, though slow. And yes, I'm deleting it from my phone


I actually have a very contrasting life. Guess I'm writing everything opposite to what I have as a way of coping with my life. All I've written are truly fiction; with idols or not. I wish real life could have been easier like the world in writing.


i wanted to write another fanfic about hanbin but then I saw there is barely anything good to read when it comes to bobby (or that I m'm just not looking at the right places/tags?) so I decided to release bobby's story first. perhaps i should release one for each ikon 


@potatowhistle ahhhhh!! I’m even more excited now I can’t wait take as much time as you need:))


@Navannah0 aw thank you! that means a lot to me <3 yes, i did but i'm just a little pre-occupied right now but I WILL get back to lucky man! .. you just have to prepare for the jiwon nobody ever thought he was imagined to be pwahaha


Can’t wait for ur next lucky man update!!!! We were left on a cliff hanger :( but I rlly love the story so far good jobbb 