
I've been trying to post the new chapter of Hope for the past two days, but Wattpad is being an ass about it. If you want to read it it is on AO3. I am pharmtechgirl71. I think I'm done with this sight. It has given me nothing but problems since I started posting here.


I've been trying to post the new chapter of Hope for the past two days, but Wattpad is being an ass about it. If you want to read it it is on AO3. I am pharmtechgirl71. I think I'm done with this sight. It has given me nothing but problems since I started posting here.


I just posted chapters 30 and 31 of Not Desperate. The rating has been changed to Mature and chapter 31 has been made private. If any of you have trouble reading it, let me know. I've never had this happen with one of my stories or chapters, so I don't know how to fix it either. Maybe one of you does?