
Hey… how yall doing,,, guess who decided to show the hell back up 


Ah, um, hi everyone. It’s Megan here, and I just want to get something off my chest: I don’t know if I’m coming back to wattpad. 
          I know, shocking considering how long I’ve been on this app (almost four years), but I think my time has come and gone. I grew up on this app, and I’ve made lots of friends here too. I’ve learned how to write and communicate with others with rps, and I’ve learned how to write fanfics. I was very naive when I was on this app, and as I’ve grown older, I’ve realized that I’m not suited for this app anymore. I don’t do rps. I don’t write short fanfics that the people here want. Hell, I can’t STAND xreader fics anymore (and of course that’s what wattpad is known for).
          I still write, but I’ve transferred to a community that’s older and full of more mature writing. There, I’be already written and completed four works, and I have countless more on the way. I’m cranking out fics that I like and enjoy, which I could never do on wattpad. 
          To all my friends, I’ll miss you all, but it’s time for me to go. If you ever need me, contact me on my twitter (@piedpipertho) and I will be sure to answer.
          If you wish to continue reading my works, follow me on twitter (@piedpipertho) to read my threadfics and updates on when my works for archive of our own (@shall_we_skate) will be posted and updated.
          That’s all I have to say, and for truly the last time, 
          Goodbye Wattpad.


I’m thinking of taking a short break from rping for a while just for my mental benefit. I’ve missed a lot of school from being sick, and I’m going to be stressed as all hell trying to make it up. Unfortunately, that means that I’ll be breaking until I’m up to par again (which could mean anytime from two weeks to a month). I’ll still be on writing, reading, or even just talking to people if they need help, but I won’t be replying to rps. I’m sorry to all those that I was starting rps with, and I’ll make sure to contact you first when I come back. As for now, I’m not replying to anything. Sorry for the inconvenience, I hope you all have a great day!