
gosh i hope my club paradox readers here aren't sick from the sheer amount of kei miyama fics i write yet (ꏿ﹏ꏿ;) 
          	also it says here that announcement messages are now limited to three? what changed? i can't spam notifications now? ಥ‿ಥ 
          	anyways! might as well take the opportunity right? if you're seeing this and are interested in a paradox live x reader one shots, why not shoot your shot and request a fic? i might be getting back in the groove of writing requests for some series i'm currently interested in 


gosh i hope my club paradox readers here aren't sick from the sheer amount of kei miyama fics i write yet (ꏿ﹏ꏿ;) 
          also it says here that announcement messages are now limited to three? what changed? i can't spam notifications now? ಥ‿ಥ 
          anyways! might as well take the opportunity right? if you're seeing this and are interested in a paradox live x reader one shots, why not shoot your shot and request a fic? i might be getting back in the groove of writing requests for some series i'm currently interested in 


hi girrrll.. how you doin'? it's been so long since your last update, i hope that you're doing well. </3 ^^


@paquerettexx | hii, take your time! don't forget to rest as well!! good luck with all of your books! mwah!꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡


@-alsephina Hello! Thank you for the concern! (◍•ᴗ•◍) I've been kinda busy and is currently in the process of deciding on whether I should make an ensemble stars x reader one shots series on top of my current paradox live one and is still on the fence about it but nonetheless I'm still trying to get back into finishing my other stories! (*﹏*;)


Gurlll I hate how underrated you are This is my first day reading one of your books yet I completely fallen in love with your writings so pls don't stop :'(


@tsum-uwu-gi u don't know how many bottles of tears you made me waste boo.. your writings made feel things


@yuuki_sannnn omg thank you so much!!! you don't know how giddy and happy this made me! ♡(ӦvӦ。)


I know I have a number of fellow Filipino followers on this app so I'd like to ask how's everyone? I hope everyone's safe from the typhoon. (◍•ᴗ•◍) 
          There's still flood outside of my house (it's still past ankle height of you'd call it that) but the flickering of the electricity has seized for the time being. Online classes are also suspended until further notice! That's kind of a good thing! Dams were releasing water left and right, and the rivers near my place almost overflowed. The city beside mine had floods reaching up to the first floor of the buildings! It was so scary and it made me paranoid for the rest of the day. It's currently night time here and I think the rain has stopped? I hope so! This turned into a rant, I'm sorry ( ⚈̥̥̥̥̥́⌢⚈̥̥̥̥̥̀)
          Anyways, be sure to check on your (filo/) friends and ask if they're safe! Please be alert and cautious still! We can never be too sure in times like this T^T I hope everyone is doing well and having a nice day despite the misadventures you may have had experienced today. 


Aw I hope everything goes back to normal in there. Stay safe!


@tsum-uwu-gi yea everything's normal now... because it's not just an ordinary storm from the typhoon, but the eye of the storm is over our province in Bulacan


@MischaAnime Oh god, that's one hell of a tough time. I'm hoping everything's slowly going back to normal over there? I hope you and your family's doing well now! It seems like the situation on the northern part of the country has been worsening and everything I see on social media is just bad news after one after another. Please keep safe over there! 


I'm really sorry for being a bother but is there some way you could write a Shifuto Arakawa X reader One shot 
          (;-; I barely see any content about him.)
          It's totally okay if you can't or don't feel like it! I was just asking!  I hope you have a good day!


@Mizuki_Hiyori I think most people are safe but I know Filipino the country has been mayhem a lot of bad stuff like that so maybe these jokes bring anyone Joy having a bad day after all dishes are very bad joke but we can ketchup soon I'll make sure to relish the moment because you snow wouldn't believe how much the weather cracks me up it's really got me sunny side up scrambled 


@tsum-uwu-gi Okay! Thank you :)


@Mizuki_Hiyori Honestly speaking, I don't have much grasp on his character as I haven't read a3's act 3 yet but I'll try my best and keep this in mind for when I finally read act 3! 


after a while of thinking it through, i've decided i will be putting all my non-oneshot stories on hold until things settle down inside my house. i'm not able to use my computer for the time being (which is what i use to write those continuous stories, in contrast to oneshots which i write wherever i am). hopefully i'll be able to get back to writing them since i love those stories so much jwkfjdkdk (╯︵╰,)


@Sevulent thank you so much! this means a lot to me! (っ˘̩╭╮˘̩)っ


@tsum-uwu-gi take your time, dear! I will still be here to read them when you return and publish in them again. Take care of yourself!