
Happy New Year! As we enter 2024 is there anything you wanted to see from me whether it be a current story or a new one. I just want to hear any feedback from you all or answer any of your questions. Thanks for reading as always.


@GamingBros713 Possibly, I'm a big fan of the movies and I've been waiting for the right moment to do a sequel and maybe that moment will be sometime this year lol.


@packer1287 Any chance of sequel for Starship Troopers?


Just curious are you taking a break from writing your story the GOT one and the Edward potter one


@packer1287 cool I’m gonna read  that right now 


@SPARTANOFDEATH2001  Just posted a new chapter to my Potter story. Hope you enjoy it.


Hey just thought I would check in to see if your okay and doing well 


@packer1287 yeah I’m doing good glad you are hope you can get your eagerness for writing back and we can see the oc Tyrell and Edward potter stories come back to regular updates anyway glad to see your okay and look forward to your return to writing 


@SPARTANOFDEATH2001 Thanks for asking Spartan. I'm quite well and hope you can say the same.


Happy New Year! As we enter 2024 is there anything you wanted to see from me whether it be a current story or a new one. I just want to hear any feedback from you all or answer any of your questions. Thanks for reading as always.


@GamingBros713 Possibly, I'm a big fan of the movies and I've been waiting for the right moment to do a sequel and maybe that moment will be sometime this year lol.


@packer1287 Any chance of sequel for Starship Troopers?


What episode of which season are we on in your Tyrell OC X myrcella Lannister story and I’ve just reread all the chapters in that story if dany does go mad like she did in the show in your story I hope you make alester Tyrell king and have myrcella be his queen I think they would do a better job than bran no offence to bran as a character 


@SPARTANOFDEATH2001 Oh i do love that idea, the Baratheon's are gone, but he could make Gendry and Mya legit kids and make em Baratheons, then now the Tyrell's rule the 7 kingdoms, or 6 if you seperate the North


@SPARTANOFDEATH2001 Next chapter will be season 7 episode 5. 


House Arryn older brother of robin Arryn + romance Myrcella Baratheon 
          House Dayne son of ser Arthur Dayne sword of the morning + Arya stark
          House Brax son + Joffrey romance 
          House oldtower or house redwyne = loris tyrell romance 
          Son of prince Oberyn and Lancel Lannister romance 


@HelgothBenjamin That first idea is one  id vote for


I’m assuming that Harry and Edward have the same godfather in your Harry Potter story 


Can’t wait to see where you go with your prince of thornes from when I last checked your on season 7 episode 3 at the last chapter looking forward to you finishing that story and looking forward to when you start Edward potter story  back up anyway keep up the good work and take care of yourself and remember to breaks from writing they help peace out 


@SPARTANOFDEATH2001 I hear you but I will prob change a few things to keep the story somewhat fresh as I do in my other stories.


She placed herself in front of Harry and Voldemort and her love and sacrifice were what gave Harry his protection. Lily's choice invoked an ancient magic which gave Harry a protection that flowed through his veins 
            This is why Harry and Edward were sent to there aunt and uncles because as long as Harry and Edward were with someone blood related to them the ancient magic would protect them Voldemort so he wouldn’t be able to harm them which was proved by Harry and Edward burning quill when he touched and they touched him which is why Voldemort will need Harry and edwards blood when we rebuilds his body in the goblet of fire 